The Vagal Brake

Good for calming down in the moment


I have been following the research that comes from the Heartmath Institute ( for the past 15 years and use many of their techniques to manage stress and access the intuitive wisdom of the heart in my personal practice. Their programs have demonstrated effectiveness with many populations including with schools and with first responders to reset the stress response. I use the Heartmath biofeedback emWave Pro in my office and people are always amazed how quickly the heart responds in a positive way to the Quick Coherence Technique. Here are the steps:

Quick Coherence Technique:

1.   Slow down the rate of your in and out breath and get into a nice gentle rhythm.

2.   Focus on the area of your heart and put your hand on your heart if you’d like. Imagine breathing in and out through the heart space.

3.   Activate a positive feeling such as appreciation, gratitude or love. Think about and really feel the good feeling of someone or something that you have these feelings for.

Additional Information:

You can listen to a short audio of the Quick Coherence technique at:

Information and research on the power of the heart to regulate our mind, body and emotions can be found at the Heartmath Institute:


Information in these videos is for educational purposes only and is provided only as general information for stress reduction. It is not intended to create and does not constitute a professional relationship between Jean Manz, LMFT and the viewer and it is not meant to diagnose or treat any individual disease. Stop the techniques at any time if you feel discomfort. Please consult a medical or mental health professional if you are concerned about your health or mental and emotional well-being.

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