Soft Tongue

Good for neck & shoulder tension


I’m always amazed how simple and effective this technique is. I use it daily between appointments to reset. In just few seconds I can feel my neck and shoulders relax. Cranial nerves in the head, face and neck are linked to both our stress and relaxation responses. This technique brings awareness and the relaxation response to the tongue and jaw. Take a bit more time to notice how your scalp, eyes, neck feel. Progressive relaxation is a technique whereby you begin at the top of your body and tense and then relax each muscle group all the way down to your toes. It has been effectively used to control stress and anxiety and reduce symptoms of certain types of chronic pain. 

John Kabat-Zinn has been a pioneer in bringing mindful awareness to help patients cope with illness and medical treatments. He is the founder of MBSR, or Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. He initially created it for chronically ill patients at UMass Medical Center who were not responding well to traditional treatments. It is now used for a wide variety of reasons by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. MSBR has been shown by a large body of research to be effective at addressing chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and general stress reduction. The link to his guided meditation is pasted below!

Here is a Link To a Guided Meditation:


Information in these videos is for educational purposes only and is provided only as general information for stress reduction. It is not intended to create and does not constitute a professional relationship between Jean Manz, LMFT and the viewer and it is not meant to diagnose or treat any individual disease. Stop the techniques at any time if you feel discomfort. Please consult a medical or mental health professional if you are concerned about your health or mental and emotional well-being.

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