Acupressure Tapping

Good for neutralizing intense emotions


There is much written these days about tapping on acupressure points to reduce stress and there are many good videos and resources online that provide statements and dialogues to use when tapping for all sorts of problems such as anxiety, weight loss, sleep problems, lack of motivation, etc. Dr. Gary Craig is the original founder of the tapping sequence called The Emotional Freedom Technique. This is the one I’ve shown you in the video. 


Tapping has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, lower cortisol, improve sleep, relieve pain, increase productivity, improve immune function and so much more! Check out the links at the bottom of this page if you are wanting to take a deeper dive into the research.

The 3 Tapping Steps:

1.   Identify the target: Focus on the distress. Notice the way it’s showing up, maybe it’s a sensation or a thought. Give it a number using the pain scale, 0 to 10. 

2.   Set-up Statement: Make a statement out of it that starts with “Even if…I deeply and completely accept myself”. 

3.   Tap 5-7 times on the acupressure points starting at the top of your head and working down your body while focusing on a reminder phrase. 

Location of Tapping Points:

Location of Tapping Points:

Karate Chop:   Located on the fleshy, outside part of the hand between the top of the wrist and the bottom of the pinkie finger.

Top of Head:   Located on the top of your skull in the middle of your head.

Inside of Eye:   Located just above the nose where the eyebrow starts, slightly to the side. 

Side of Eye:   Located on the bone alongside the corner of the eye.

Under Eye:   Located an inch under the pupil.

Under Nose:   Located in the area between your nose and upper lip.

Under Lip:   Located below your bottom lip and above your chin.

Under Collarbone:   Located where your collarbone and first rib meet. To find it, locate the U-shaped indentation at the top at the bottom of your throat (then move down 1 inch and to the side 1 inch. 

Under Arm:   Located about 4 inches below the armpit.

Rib:   Located on the rib about an inch below the nipple.

Now, walk down each finger, right on the side where the nailbed is. Thumb, 2nd finger, 3rd finger, fourth finger, fifth finger, pinky finger. Now, take a deep breath in and let it all go.  

When you tap what eventually happens is that your resources for coping come to the surface. While we start by focusing on the negative part of the experience what usually happens next is that some supportive thoughts or memories emerge, we call this installing the positive. 

Positive Cognitions to Say While You Tap:

  • This is manageable.
  • They do this every day.
  • This is worth it.
  • They are caring professionals.
  • They have trained to do this procedure for many years.
  • They know what they are doing.

  • They’ve got me.
  • I can speak up if I need to.
  • I am not alone, they are here for me.
  • I deserve to have a healthy and beautiful mouth. 
  • I can do this.

Tapping is used to work with traumatic memories and preparing for upcoming anxiety producing events in my video entitled “Movie Technique” here in this databank. It is simple and highly effective. I’ve used it so many times to help people prepare for medical procedures and even the fear of flying. I actually used it to get ready to tape these videos for you 😊.

Additional Information:


Information in these videos is for educational purposes only and is provided only as general information for stress reduction. It is not intended to create and does not constitute a professional relationship between Jean Manz, LMFT and the viewer and it is not meant to diagnose or treat any individual disease. Stop the techniques at any time if you feel discomfort. Please consult a medical or mental health professional if you are concerned about your health or mental and emotional well-being.

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