The Desired Outcome

Good for focusing on achieving a goal


I get VERY excited when I start to see patterns, especially when I see ideas emerge synchronistically in different fields. For the past 10 years I’ve been watching the overlap of science, physics and metaphysics, spirituality, psychology, massage and bodywork, systems theory and medicine. When I read Dr. James Doty’s technique for manifesting a “Desired Outcome” I was once again affirmed in the belief that a combination of intention and focused attention matters in moving life in the direction we want. Check it out here:

Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeons Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart.

Guided Mediations Specifically for Medical Procedures:

The Desired Outcome Technique:

1.   Sit in a quiet room and close your eyes.

2.   Think of a goal or something you wish to accomplish. It does not matter that the details of the vision are not fully formed. It is important that such a goal or vision is one that does not involve harm to another or bad intent. While this technique could help you accomplish such a goal, it will ultimately result in pain and suffering to yourself and make you unhappy. 

3.   Relax your body completely.

4.   Once relaxed, focus on your breathing and try to empty your mind completely of all your thoughts.

5.   When thoughts arise, guide your attention back to your breath.

6.   Continue to breath in and out, completely emptying your mind.

7.   Now think of your goal or wish and see yourself as having accomplished it. Sit with the vision as you slowly breathe in and out. 

8.   Feel the positive emotions associated with accomplishing your goal or having achieved your wish. Experience how good it feels to have taken a thought and turned it into reality. Sit with the positive feelings as you see yourself having accomplished your goal.

9.   Once you have seen yourself having accomplished the goal and have sat with the positive feelings, begin to add details to the vision. Exactly how do you look? Where are you? How are people responding to you? Add as much detail to the vision as possible.

10.   Repeat one to two times daily or more for ten to thirty minutes. Each time begin with the vision of yourself having accomplished your goal. Sit with the feelings. Each time as you look at the vision add more details. It will start fuzzy, but the more times you do the exercise, the more the vision will become clearer. 

11.   With each time you do the exercise you will find you are refining the vision as your unconscious mind beings having clarity of the intent. You may be surprised what you discover and how you end up achieving your goal. What is important is the goal, not exactly how you get there. 

Quick Coherence Technique:

1.   Slow down the rate of your in and out breath and get into a nice gentle rhythm.

2.   Focus on the area of your heart and put your hand on your heart if you’d like. Imagine breathing in and out through the heart space.

3.   Activate a positive feeling such as appreciation, gratitude or love. Think about and really feel the good feeling of someone or something that you have these feelings for. 

You can listen to a short audio of the Quick Coherence technique at:

Information and Research on the power of the heart to regulate our mind, body and emotions can be found at the Heartmath Institute:


Information in these videos is for educational purposes only and is provided only as general information for stress reduction. It is not intended to create and does not constitute a professional relationship between Jean Manz, LMFT and the viewer and it is not meant to diagnose or treat any individual disease. Stop the techniques at any time if you feel discomfort. Please consult a medical or mental health professional if you are concerned about your health or mental and emotional well-being.

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