Sounds & Sighs

Good for low mood & lethargy


I first learned this technique from Dr. Peter Levine, the founder of a modality of therapy called Somatic Experiencing. I try everything on myself FIRST, I can promise you, I wouldn’t have you do something that I hadn’t experienced as helpful myself! You can use it to wake up from “freeze”. When stress gets too much, our bodies go into Fight, Flight of Freeze. The freeze response happens as a gradient, it’s not an all or nothing system. You may experience any of the symptoms on the chart when having the Freeze response.

A few years ago I was having a kind of tinnitus where I was hearing my heartbeat in my ear. An MRI ruled out anything structural and I was sent home to wear headphones to muffle out the loud sound so that I could fall asleep. I used this technique successfully to “turn off” this annoying noise in my head. The best explanation I’ve received is that it unhijacked some of the cranial nerves that were being used for the Freeze response.

The Toning Technique:

   Get seated. Find a place to sit where you can rest. Place your feet on the floor and rest comfortably in your chair. 

2.   Notice your breath. Begin to settle into your breath. Just notice each breath cycle as it comes in and out. 

3.   Take a deep breath In. Now, begin to allow yourself to take a deep slow breath in through your nose and fill your belly with air. 

4.   Breath out with “VOO.” On the out breath, allow yourself to make a deep fog horn sound with the word “voo”, for three counts (or as long as you can comfortably exhale, the longer the better). Allow the sound to vibrate and resonate in your chest, arms, and even legs. It’s a low sound coming from the back of your throat.

5.   Repeat the breath cycles. Continue cycles for 3-5 minutes or as long as you are enjoying it. We know that 3-5 minutes of breathing can actually change your oxygen levels in your blood and begin to stimulate positive changes in your neurochemistry!

6.   Bring your focus back to the room. Begin to bring awareness to your body, maybe twisting your wrists or ankles. When you are ready open your eyes and return to the room.


Information in these videos is for educational purposes only and is provided only as general information for stress reduction. It is not intended to create and does not constitute a professional relationship between Jean Manz, LMFT and the viewer and it is not meant to diagnose or treat any individual disease. Stop the techniques at any time if you feel discomfort. Please consult a medical or mental health professional if you are concerned about your health or mental and emotional well-being.

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